The Great Debate: Comics Vs. Manga - Who Came First?

The Great Debate: Comics Vs. Manga - Who Came First?

Comics or Manga? This debate has been going on for ages, and fans on both sides can get quite passionate about the topic. But who really came first? Was it the colorful pages of American comics or the black and white panels of Japanese manga?

As you delve deeper into this conversation, you'll find that it's not a simple question to answer. While comic books in the US can trace their roots back to the late 1800s, Japanese manga has been around for centuries. And while both industries have influenced each other over the years, there are distinct differences in the style, storytelling, and themes of each medium.

So, are you curious to learn more about this fascinating topic? Join us as we explore the origins of comics and manga, the ways they've evolved over time, and why both are beloved by fans around the world. Let's settle this age-old debate once and for all!

What Came First Comics Or Manga?
"What Came First Comics Or Manga?" ~ bbaz

The Great Debate: Comics Vs. Manga - Who Came First?


Comics and manga have long been a source of entertainment for millions of people across the world. Both forms of graphic storytelling have their own unique traits, but the debate about which came first has always remained a mystery. In this article, we will delve deep into the origins of comics and manga and try to solve this debate once and for all.

What are Comics?

Comics consist of illustrated panels that tell a story. They originated in the United States during the early 20th century and gained popularity during the Golden Age of Comic Books in the 1930s and 1940s. Comics usually feature superheroes, fictional characters, or real-life events.

What is Manga?

Manga is a Japanese term that refers to comics and cartooning. These graphic novels are printed in black and white and read from right to left. They often feature complex storylines and unique characters that appeal to readers worldwide.

The Origins of Comics

The origins of comics can be traced back to the 1800s when they were used in newspapers as a way to comment on political and social issues. The first comic book was published in 1933, called Famous Funnies. This sparked a new era in the comic industry, with the creation of superhero characters such as Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man.

The Origins of Manga

Manga originated in Japan in the late 19th century. The word itself was coined by the artist, Katsushika Hokusai, who used it to describe his drawings. In the early 20th century, manga became more widespread, and the first manga magazine, Eshinbun Nipponchi, was published in 1874. Manga gained global popularity after World War II, with the creation of popular series such as Astro Boy and Dragon Ball.

Comparison Table

Comics Manga
Originated in the United States in the 1930s Originated in Japan in the late 19th century
Typically features superheroes and fictional characters Often features complex storylines and unique characters
Read from left to right Read from right to left
Mainly published in color Printed in black and white
Gained popularity during the Golden Age of Comic Books Gained global popularity after World War II

Which Came First?

After analyzing the origins of both comics and manga, it is clear that manga came first. Manga originated in Japan in the late 19th century, while comics originated in the United States in the early 20th century. While they share similar traits, manga's unique style and complex storylines have set it apart from its comic counterpart.

Opinion - Why does it matter?

The debate about which came first, comics or manga, may seem trivial to some. However, it is important to understand the origins of both forms of graphic storytelling to appreciate and respect their cultural influences. By understanding the history and evolution of comics and manga, we can better appreciate the impact they have had on the entertainment industry and society as a whole.


In conclusion, while both comics and manga have become icons in the entertainment industry, it is clear that manga came first. The unique style and storytelling techniques of manga have continued to influence and captivate readers worldwide. Regardless, it is important to respect and appreciate the origins of both comics and manga to fully appreciate the impact they have had on modern culture.

The Great Debate: Comics Vs. Manga - Who Came First?

Thank you for taking the time to dive into the world of comics and manga with us. We hope that this article has shed some light on the ongoing debate of who came first, comics or manga.

While the origins of both mediums can be traced back to ancient times, it is clear that modern-day comics have their roots in the United States, while manga evolved in Japan. Both styles have their unique strengths and appeal to audiences around the world, making it difficult to declare a clear winner in this debate.

Whether you are a fan of comics or manga, one thing is for sure - both mediums have significantly impacted the world of entertainment and have inspired generations of artists and storytellers. So, whether you prefer the colorful pages of comics or the detailed illustrations of manga, we encourage you to keep exploring and expanding your horizons when it comes to the wonderful world of visual storytelling.

People also ask about The Great Debate: Comics Vs. Manga - Who Came First?

  1. What is the difference between comics and manga?
  2. Comics are graphic novels that are primarily produced in the Western countries, while manga refers to graphic novels that are created in Japan.

  3. Which came first, comics or manga?
  4. Comics came first, with the first comic book being published in the United States in the 1930s. Manga, on the other hand, emerged in Japan in the late 19th century.

  5. Are comics and manga the same thing?
  6. No, comics and manga are not the same thing. While they both use illustrations and text to tell stories, they have different styles, themes, and cultural influences.

  7. Why is the debate between comics and manga important?
  8. The debate between comics and manga is important because it highlights the differences between two major forms of graphic storytelling and helps us appreciate the unique qualities of each.

  9. Can you enjoy both comics and manga?
  10. Yes, you can certainly enjoy both comics and manga. In fact, many readers appreciate the diversity and richness of both forms of storytelling.
