Discovering The Oldest Manga: A Historical Journey

Discovering The Oldest Manga: A Historical Journey

If you are a fan of manga, then you might be surprised to know that the world's oldest manga dates back to the 12th century. Yes, you read that right! This ancient artwork predates modern day manga by centuries and tells tales of a bygone era.

Intrigued? Want to know more about this historical journey? Then keep reading as we delve into the fascinating world of the oldest manga ever discovered. We will take you on a journey through time, uncovering the origins of manga and how it evolved over the years.

From scroll paintings to woodblock prints, manga has come a long way since its early beginnings. Our journey will not only take you through history but also provide you with insight into the cultural and artistic influences that shaped this unique art form. So buckle up and prepare to discover the secrets of the oldest manga in the world!

Through this article, you will not only learn about the oldest manga but also gain an appreciation for the rich history and cultural significance behind this beloved art form. So join us on this journey as we uncover the incredible story of how manga came to be and how it has evolved into the global phenomenon it is today.

What Is The Oldest Manga?
"What Is The Oldest Manga?" ~ bbaz

Discovering The Oldest Manga: A Historical Journey


When it comes to manga, most of us would immediately think of the popular series that we’ve grown up with like Naruto, One Piece, or Dragon Ball. However, the origins of Japanese comics actually date back centuries ago. Recently, during an excavation in Egypt, which was once a Roman military city, researchers discovered a collection of 2nd century AD drawings on a tomb wall that closely resemble modern-day manga. This raises the question – what is the oldest manga ever created?

The Rise of Manga

Manga is an integral part of Japanese culture that has its roots dating back to the 12th century. The first known form of manga came in the form of Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga, a set of four scrolls depicting anthropomorphic and zoomorphic animals drawn by Toba Sōjō in the 12th century. However, today's manga industry didn't rise until the 1950s. Osamu Tezuka is considered as the father of modern-day manga because of his revolutionary work, Astro Boy, which was published in 1952. The manga industry has since then rapidly grown and expanded and now represents a giant portion of the Japanese publishing industry.

What is the oldest manga?

Recently excavated drawings of Greco-Roman times have similarities closely resembling manga in terms of the style of drawing, physical composition, and action-oriented images. Although not Japanese, these ancient pieces of art are believed to be the earliest representation of sequential art that resembles the traditional format of modern-day manga. But, technically speaking, these Greco-Roman artworks are not considered manga.

When was the first Japanese manga created?

The first Japanese manga was created in 1902 by Rakuten Kitazawa. The manga was called Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki, and it depicted the story of a character named Imokawa Mukuzo, who is famous for stealing sweet potatoes. Kitazawa drew inspiration from French cartoonist Emil Cohl and began applying the use of word balloons into his comics.

The historical timeline of manga

Manga has come a long way since its inception in the 12th century. Today, manga has become a global phenomenon enjoyed by fans all over the world. Below is a summary of significant events that have contributed to the rise of manga from the 12th century to present day.| Year | Significant Event|| --- | --- || 12th Century | The First known Manga, Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga was created || 1902 | Rakuten Kitazawa created the first Japanese manga || 1914 | The first manga magazine, the Tokyo Puck, was published || 1952 | Osamu Tezuka's revolutionary work Astro Boy was published || 1969 | Weekly Shonen Jump was created || 1997 | One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach debuted || 2021 | Manga continues to be a thriving industry that constitutes a major part of Japan's publishing industry |

What makes manga unique?

There are several distinguishing characteristics that make manga unique. One of the most evident features of manga is its distinct visual style. With its big eyes and exaggerated expressions, characters are easily identifiable and very emotive. Another aspect that sets manga apart is its format. Unlike traditional Western comics, manga is read right to left. Finally, manga differs from western comics because of its emphasis on storytelling instead of just visuals.

The worldwide popularity of manga

Manga has become a massive cultural phenomenon and has gained a tremendous following across the world. This popularity is made apparent by the vast amount of fan-made works, cosplay, conventions dedicated to anime and manga, and the establishment of manga clubs that help spread the medium’s influence worldwide. Additionally, many popular anime series are based on manga titles. One such example is Attack on Titan, a series that has taken the world by storm and has boosted sales of the manga source material.


The evolution of manga over hundreds of years is a credit to the art form’s enduring appeal. Despite changes in technology, media, and storytelling preferences, the popularity of manga has remained constant. Manga continues to captivate readers across the globe by creating unique visual styles and varied storytelling that cater to a wide range of audiences.


In conclusion, while the oldest known sequential art resembling manga is believed to be the Greco-Roman drawings discovered in Egypt, the origins of present-day manga culture can be attributed to Japanese comics, which began with Rakuten Kitazawa’s Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki in 1902. Nevertheless, the genre’s growth and popularity over time have been so great that it now constitutes a significant part of Japan’s publishing industry, with countless internationally laced titles often adapted into anime productions or for the film industry. Although some of its contents may seem pretty awkward, outlandish or even insensitive to the Western hemisphere, manga’s fascinating visuals and unique narrative structures of storytelling offer an utterly different way of looking at comics, making it a gateway to new and exciting perspectives on artists and culture.

Discovering The Oldest Manga: A Historical Journey

Thank you for joining us in our historical journey of discovering the oldest manga. We hope that you enjoyed reading about the rich and diverse history of Japanese comics, and how it has evolved over the years.

As we have learned, manga has a deep-rooted place in Japanese culture dating back hundreds of years. It has since grown to become a global phenomenon, capturing the hearts of readers worldwide.

May this article serve as an inspiration for you to delve deeper into the fascinating world of manga and explore the origins of your favorite comics. We encourage you to continue to learn and discover more about the rich history and cultural significance of Japanese comics.

People Also Ask about Discovering The Oldest Manga: A Historical Journey:

  1. What is the oldest manga in history?
  2. The oldest manga in history is considered to be Choju-jinbutsu-giga, also known as Scrolls of Frolicking Animals and Humans. It was created in the 12th century and features anthropomorphic animals in humorous situations.

  3. Who created the oldest manga?
  4. The creator of the oldest manga is unknown, as Choju-jinbutsu-giga was created anonymously in the 12th century. However, it is believed to have been created by a group of artists or monks.

  5. When was the oldest manga discovered?
  6. The oldest manga was discovered in the 19th century when Japanese art historians found the Choju-jinbutsu-giga scrolls in a temple in Kyoto.

  7. What is the significance of discovering the oldest manga?
  8. Discovering the oldest manga is significant because it gives insight into the history and evolution of manga as an art form in Japan. It also shows that the use of anthropomorphic animals in storytelling has been present for centuries.

  9. How has the oldest manga influenced modern manga?
  10. The oldest manga has influenced modern manga by showcasing the use of humor and anthropomorphic characters, which are still prevalent in many popular manga series today.

  11. Is the oldest manga still available to view?
  12. Yes, the Choju-jinbutsu-giga scrolls are still available to view at the Tokyo National Museum and the Kyoto National Museum in Japan.
